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The Real Stigma Project was first started to demystify mental health disorders, and break the stigma surrounding it.

This mental health awareness project first lived on Vega School's Durban campus as I raised awareness by distributing green ribbons. Like how a red ribbon represents HIV/AIDS awareness, a green ribbon represents mental health awareness.

The ribbons were supported by informative posters put up around campus that explained the most common mental health disorders in South Africa - Autism, ADHD, Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and Bipolar.

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The on-campus activation was a success. People interacted with the posters and talked about mental health. That was the core solution to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health disorders: starting conversations.

Green ribbons started appearing everywhere on campus. People's bags, hair and clothes. It made it visible that there is support around you.

On-Campus Case Study Video

Isometric Instagram Mockups

The Real Stigma Project has since evolved. Instead of only living on campus, it has grown into a community of mental health support. The main goal is still the same; to break the stigma surrounding mental health, but it now reaches hundreds more.

The Real Stigma Project adopted a little penguin friend as the motivator with little sayings you can send to friends. The penguin is approachable. He makes a taboo topic easier to talk about by sending a post to someone who needs a reminder that their experiences are valid.

Isometric Instagram Mockups Isometric Instagram Mockups

Part of the mental health stigma comes from a place of ignorance. People fear what they do not understand, and so informative posts that give actionable advice and educational information about mental health disorders are also posted on the Real Stigma Project's social media.

These posts aim to dispel stereotypes and give tips rooted in experience and psychology to help those who battle with mental health.

Informative post mockups Informative post mockups

I have started to put my face on the project. By myself talking about my experiences with mental health disorders, I show that it's okay to talk about not being okay. It makes the Real Stigma Project feel human.

So far reels with me talking about things I find interesting relating to mental health has started conversation threads and many have responded with gratitude at the authenticity it brings to the account.

These reels are aimed to share personal experiences with mental health. They show that everyone's daily life with autism, OCD, anxiety and depression looks different.

Real Stigma Project Show Face

Beyond social media, the Real Stigma Project has merchandise! Visibility creates memorability. So when people see the Real Stigma Project penguin, they think about mental health and might strike up a conversation about it. It also shows that people are supportive of those who struggle with their mental health, much like the green ribbon does.

Real Stigma Project Stickers
Real Stigma Project Merchandise Real Stigma Project Merchandise