hand holding page

Uber Eats wants to expand its target audience to include older generations. These individuals have different accessibility needs from technology to Uber Eats’ current target audience. Currently, users must go through many pages to achieve their end goal in the Uber Eats South African app. Such a tedious process creates an unpleasant user experience and can confuse users who are unfamiliar with technology.

The number of clicks needed to complete a task is due to superfluous design elements in the app which detracts from its usability by distracting users and causing mis-clicks. An older target audience might need more allowance for error due to mobility issues that cause mis-clicks. They might find text difficult to read on mobile screens, and have difficulty hearing well.

hand holding block
solution title

The solution was to remove all unnecessary design elements from the app, such as carousals with information that is repeated on the screen. A functional “Help” section was created and accessibility and design heuristic principles were considered throughout the design.

All buttons have copy that explains their function and arrows are clearly indicate how to go back to previous screens.

All buttons are either located on the right-hand side of the screen or fill the screen’s width to make clicking easier. This is helpful for users with mobility issues.

The process of ordeing food was made easier by decreasing the number of clicks needed from the user.

The “Help” section is on the app menu to make it instantly accessible. Older generations do not find ordering apps intuitive, and might require assisstance to order from Uber Eats.

Uber tracking prototype
Uber Eats User Personas

User Journeys

Uber Eats User Journey Ms Nkosana Uber Eats User Journey oom Gert

Wireframing also helped to improve the margin for error from the user by making it easy to return to previous screens and see what information is required before an action can be executed.

There is a constant stream of system feedback through cart updates, changing button colours when all required fields are filled and clear copy explaining the next steps to complete a goal.

Isometric App Mockups
Uber App prototypes Uber App prototypes Uber App prototypes Uber App prototypes